Saturday, September 15, 2012


From my Tumblr

The hands of the clock ticked away as she laid on her bed, hearing the endless patter of rain on her roof. It came without warning; hasty like the wind sweeping that once dull night. She looked out her small, glass window and watched the water racing down the walls of her home. Aggressive drops with bullet-like swiftness filled the midnight sky, as she gazed for almost an hour.

And then it stopped. The night grew silent, like all sound was subdued, desperately gasping for air. She stared into the dimly lit lamp by her gate and her heart beat faster. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and her night gown stained remnants of her own anxiety and fear. The rain poured again and she could see vague splashes on the road lined up by seemingly empty houses.

She glanced at the bed beside hers, and the innocent child sleeping so peacefully was gone. The outline of the soft curls on his head and his small body curled up, his face holding features so delicate and fragile completely vanished, as if the wind blew him away with no verdict. What lay was a dark, shapeless shadow casted on the wrinkled sheets. The echo of the rain rang in her ears and filled her head. At that moment, she knew he would never return.

Trying to keep still, she closed her eyes and let the unconscious take hold of her. The winds grew stale, and she knew she was not alone. She was soon drifting off to sleep, unable to let the tranquility of the night keep her mind at ease.

As she entered another dimension, the rain once more, poured vigorously.

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