Friday, June 15, 2012

We meet again

Photo from my Tumblr

What lies among the unknown is so terribly cunning. She walks with caution, still with an amount of recklessness; the remains of her youth, the pieces that still exist. Where she walks to is not of definite point, but so strong is the unknown, finding satisfaction with vulnerability; walking souls with utter transparency.

What has she become after the darkness that crept up from the corners of her self-made sanctuary? Battles have yet to begin, and reality is seeping beneath the cracks of her imperfect world. She fights them off and lays on the floor; the cold and hard ground touching her face. In that moment, she couldn’t help wondering where the sadness went. She couldn’t help expecting the circulation of unwanted thoughts and it taking over, drowning her in energy so strong, so powerful, and so inescapable.

But there she was, with merely a tear shed. There she was, getting up off the floor, pulling the curtains and taking a peak. She was letting sunshine in. It was dancing with the light bouncing off the room, the light she hardly knew. Specks of dust were visible, and she stared in wonder.

Before she knew it, she was outside, breathing. She stretched out her arms far and wide, closing her eyes as the sun blinded her with freedom. Her finger trips were brushing off the freshly-cut grass. The wind cupped her face and the sunshine was tickling her skin, as if welcoming her into a world she was once lost in; a world she failed to remember. She was a stranger, someone barely known in the gates of this essence. And there she was, facing it again.

There she was, alone and alive.

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